Getting AS9100 Certified in Teterboro, New Jersey (NJ)
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The aerospace industry has its own unique guidelines for quality management. That is why any company that delivers products and services in the defense, space, and aviation spheres must work towards earning the AS9100 certification. It is a standard that sets the quality management system requirements with the challenges of the aerospace industry in mind. That explains why you need to comply with this standard if you are a player in the industry.
At IQC The ISO Pros, we carry out certification auditing for the AS9100 standard and the other related standards. It is good to understand what the AS9100 standard entails and the people that it can benefit. We are among the largest consultancy services for aerospace in Teterboro, New Jersey (NJ). Therefore, you can rely on our AS9100 training and implementation services.

What is AS9100
AS9100 is the most recent ISO standard for organizations that deal in the design, development, and provision of defense, space, and aviation products and services. It also includes assemblies, components, and parts that characterize the sector. The IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) is the one that designed this standard. However, it got useful insights from representatives from the defense, space, and aviation companies in Europe, America, and Asia.
Like the previous versions of AS9100, the guidelines standardize the requirements of quality management systems for companies that are involved in the supply chain and aerospace industry. To achieve this objective, the standard builds off general ISO 9001 standards for the quality management systems. It adds industry-specific regulations for the safe production, development, and even distribution of high-quality aerospace products and parts.
You can achieve AS9100 at all levels of the supply chain. Any organization can use it to improve its delivery performance, cost, and quality. You accomplish this by eliminating or reducing requirements that are unique to the organization, effectively implementing the quality management system, and widely applying the best business practices.
AS9100 is a general standard for the aerospace industry. IAQG has also created two additional management standards that are specific to the aerospace industry. The first one is AS9119 that is an aerospace management system for MRO (Maintenance, Repair, & Overhaul) stations. It brings extra requirements to AS9100 that relate to the maintenance of military, private, and commercial aircraft. The second one is AS9120 which is an exclusive management system for the Stockist distributors. It adds requirements for the production and sourcing of aerospace materials and components.
AS9100 certification makes sure that the organization has enough quality management systems. As a result, most aerospace suppliers and manufacturers only work with certified business partners. Therefore, AS9100 certification is ideal for all aerospace-related companies.
Who Should Get AS9100 Certification?
As we mentioned, AS9100 is an industry-specific quality management system. Therefore, it is ideal for all the companies that offer products and services for the aviation, space, and defense industries. Any organization that works in the aerospace industry and all its partners should comply with AS9100.
The list comprises all the manufacturers of aerospace materials and components. You will also find the designers of aerospace assemblies and parts in this category. The other ones are the quality management organizations that work with aerospace manufacturers. Lastly, we have other organizations that regularly or irregularly work in the aerospace industry.
Even though AS9100 is not a requirement by law, it is needed for effective participation in the defense, space, and aviation businesses. AS9100 certification will give you access to several parts of the supply chain and huge OEMs. IQC The ISO Pros will help you to walk through the certification process smoothly.
IQC The ISO Pros can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications: